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NIS-2 Compliance Made Easy

Targeted Coaching and Automation for the Implementation of the NIS-2 Directive

How to efficiently Implement NIS-2 Requirements?

NIS-2 Compliance Made Easy

Targeted Coaching and Automation for the Implementation of the NIS-2 Directive

NIS-2 in Practice

NIS-2 – the Directive on Network and Information System Security – is a pivotal step by the European Union to enhance cybersecurity across various sectors. Similar to DORA in the financial sector, NIS-2 aims to improve the resilience and security of companies and institutions in critical sectors. It serves to protect essential infrastructures against cyber threats and incidents.

Our team is your reliable partner on the path to sustainable NIS-2 compliance.

We support you in your NIS-2 transformation initiative: From gap analysis to the implementation of a NIS-2 platform. Throughout the initiative, we quickly and efficiently develop a strategic implementation concept, deploy an automated documentation solution, and advise you on the optimization of workflows in regular operations.

Learn more about how we can help you strengthen your IT security while optimizing your business processes. Welcome to NIS-2 in practice.

Our Solution

The Prologue

NIS-2 Readiness

Capturing Status Quo

Structured assessment of the current security situation, comparison with NIS-2 requirements, and development of tailored recommendations.

The Obligation

Transformation to
NIS-2 Compliance

Planning & Transformation

Achieving NIS-2 basic compliance with optimized usage of time and financial resources

Achieving Excellence

NIS-2 compliance in
Business Operations

Optimization of Process documentation

Sustainable and efficient NIS-2 compliance, embedding NIS-2 regulations in business operations

Structured assessment of the current situation, comparison against the desired state, and development of recommendations for action.

  • Is my company affected by NIS-2?
  • What exactly are the NIS-2 requirements?
  • What does my company already cover?
  • Where is action needed?
  • Determination of Concern: Classification of the Company According to NIS-2
  • Gap Analysis Based on the Degree of Concern: Identification of vulnerabilities/deficiencies through interviews (questionnaire) or research based on existing documents
  • Documentation of Company IT (Inventory)
  • Identification of Responsibilities (Including digital infrastructure providers)
  • Documentation of IT Architecture
  • Documentation of IT Processes Regarding Reporting, Notification, and Auditing Systems
  • Provision of Detailed Documentation and Recommendations for Action
  • Discussion of Results Concerning NIS-2 Compliance

Achieving NIS-2 basic compliance with optimized usage of time and financial resources

  • What are the most important measures that need to be implemented?
  • What documentation must my company create?
  • How can we ensure that the efforts do not become excessive?
  • Project Management and Execution:
    Creation and Categorization of Work Items, Assignment of Responsibilities (to teams/individuals), and Setting of Timeframes
  • IT Concept Validation or Creation with Process Definition and Automated Documentation for:
    • Reporting:
      Documentation of NIS-2 compliance, tests and audits, risk management, IT security measures
    • Notification:
      Automation of notifications to the information registry and supervisory authorities in case of infrastructure-security incidents
    • Auditing:
      Preparation, regular execution, and documentation of resilience tests, backup/restore tests, disaster recovery tests, KPI definition
  • Basic Compliance with NIS-2
  • Provision of Concept Documentation

Sustainable and efficient NIS-2 compliance, embedding NIS-2 regulations in business operations.

  • How can current documentation be provided automatically?
  • Which internal teams need to be involved in the processes for NIS-2 compliance?
  • What internal and external requirements must the company regularly meet?
  • Establishment and Development of the Digital NIS-2 Platform for Central Data Collection and Documentation for:
    • Reporting:
      (Semi-)automated collection of relevant data and information, automated creation of documentation based on previously specified templates
    • Notification:
      Automation of the collection of configuration and log data at the time of a security incident and forwarding to supervisory authorities
    • Auditing:
      Platform for the preparation, regular execution, and documentation of resilience tests, continuous measurement and reporting of KPIs
  • Data and Communication Platform for All Stakeholders:
    Company employees, information security officers (ISOs), IT providers, digital infrastructure, lawyers, and process specialists
  • Provision of a NIS-2 Compliance Officer as a Central Communication Point for All NIS-2 Matters:
    • Technical expertise
    • Overview of existing NIS-2 requirements and updates
    • Development of internal and external processes
    • Relationship management with all stakeholders
  • Permanent and Efficient Maintenance of NIS-2 Compliance

  • Reuse of Established Processes and Automated Documentation for Additional Requirements (e.g., ISO 27001, BSI Basic Protection, Certification, etc.)

Control your IT Usage


Which technologies and capacities are needed for the implementation of a virtual sales tool?

Our service

Based on the information collected by our Data Control Platform, we jointly develop a target structure, taking into account performance, efficiency and operating expenses. For this purpose we evaluate service offerings as well as technologies.
We are happy to accompany the project during its realization.

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Increase your IT Services Quality


Due to a company takeover, IT systems have to be consolidated and new users have to be integrated.

Our Service

With the IT services information we collect, we can directly estimate how many users can be integrated or which enhancements are necessary.

On request, we support you in implementing the necessary adjustments and check the results.

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Understand your IT Costs


As part of a cloud strategy a company needs assistance to decide which IT services can be optimized through cloud usage.

Our Service

With our methodology we continuously collect your IT services data regarding IT usage, compliance/legal requirements (for applications & data).
Based on your requirements and IT service options we develop migration concepts for the IT services.

Upon request, we assist with the migration. If required, we support the implementation.

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Optimize your IT Investments


Sales representatives regularly report critical application issues.

Our Service

We analyze your IT services, identify dependencies on infrastructure and application layers. Based on this, we create optimization concepts with concrete instructions for action.

If required, we provide support during implementation.

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Live your IT Strategy


A real estate asset management company wants to offer virtual tour of buildings.

Our Service

We evaluate with you the necessary IT capacities, technologies and costs (including operation) for a cost/benefit analysis.

We are happy to accompany the project during its realization.

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